Friday, May 4, 2007

You can also respond to the Blog...

If you want to assist... post it on the Blog!! Then I won't lose it :)

Kelly is coming home...

Alot has happened over the last week... Kelly doesn't "qualify" for a Rehab facility, so the next level of care is "skilled nursing". There are only two locations in Wichita that are accepting trach patients. Dustin and I visited both and without a doubt determined they were NO place for Kelly. So, we are taking on the endeavor of home health care. We are hoping to have home health personnel here through the night, but it takes two people to care for Kelly's special needs.

We need your help! Many of you have been signing up on the schedule to come visit Kelly which is awesome and we would love you to continue to do so. But if you haven't now is the time we need you! The additional need we have in bringing Kelly home is having two people available to assist with his basic needs 24/7. Over the next 30 days (weeks) if you can commit a two hour block of time (or more if you like) to stay with Kelly, we would truly appreciate it. You would not require any special training or abilities, just to assist whoever is here caring for him.

We know this is a huge responsiblity we are placing on you all, but we believe it IS the best thing for Kelly without a doubt. We will re-valuate in 30 days to see how he is doing and move forward from there.

Other opportunties to assist would be cleaning, laundry, meals, errands, shopping etc.

The best way to respond to commit to a time is via email at as phone calls seem to get lost or delayed.

Words cannot express our appreciation for your continued support and love for Kelly and our well being.