Saturday, March 17, 2007

To Our Many Friends and Family:

Hi everyone,

Mississippi Blind Dog Kelly Slack along with his family thank you all so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and support. Kelly remains in critical condition. We are anticipating a slow recovery, but he is taking baby steps toward improvements everyday.

We understand so many people would like to visit Kelly in the hospital, however, critical is CRITICAL. Constant, well-meaning visits at this point in his recovery may be detrimental to his overall recovery.

KNOW... we love you all very much.

Also, please feel free to leave comments on this page. Especially stories of your favorite times/memories with Kelly. Really anything you would like to say about/to Kelly, Marilyn, or Dustin would be appropriate to leave on the comments page here.


kim dinell said...

i hope y'all can "feel the love" across all these miles. i think of you many times each day and send my strongest positive vibes across the waves...

i had the good fortune to be in a band with kelly and marilyn for a couple of years...well, it was KIND of a band. i believe the first time we were about to go up on stage at the artichoke's fish fry, Pat asked Kelly what our band's name was and kelly just sort of waved a hand and said, "Uh, that'll be fine." so that became our band name. and we had such a fine time at practices that sometimes we didn't get too much done, but i remember driving home with my face hurting from laughing so much. kelly could get me giggling and snorting like a high schooler and pretty soon all three of us were hooting. he'd make some wise crack and then, just when we were ABOUT to compose ourselves and move on to another song, some other pun would present itself and well, Kelly couldn't resist a pun. sometimes he wouldn't even have to verbalize it, he'd just look at us and marilyn and i would be in stitches. the amusement reached LEGENDARY proportions one christmas when we played a gig with this dude named Rob. Well, Rob was a fine guitar player but he had some strong ideas about how coffee beans should be ground up, about how other members of the band should come to his house to transport him to gigs, and about how fast songs should be played. at this gig Rob decided to "up-tempo" a tune that marilyn and i were TRYING to sing, and we couldn't get all the words in because he was playing so fast. i was looking daggers at Rob, Marilyn's eyebrows were going up and up, and we were starting to sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks (not that that's a BAD thing, if you like that musical genre).

i can't wait to walk into camp this fall and see kelly, wearing one of his great hats and looking a little rough around the edges, and nursing one of his precious cups of decaf. it is a winfield tradition!

love to all
kim d. in hawaii

Anonymous said...

This website is beautiful! Thank you so much for doing this. Heartfelt hugs and blessings to all of you. I think of Kelly so often, say his name and "squeeze his hand" and remember all the fun times I have had with you two. Marilyn, love and hugs and encouragement for this tough time. I wish there was more I could do but know I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Hi to everyone Marlyn so good to see you,Dustin and Kelly.My prayers are with you,Kelly looks so good.Shelbi said hi to all,tell Kelly to wake up and get ready to drive the new blue car.INSIDE JOKE!


Deb B. said...

Marilyn and Dustin,
We just found out and want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong. Please let us know if we can do anything.
Deb and Al

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Just want to let you and your family know that I have you in my thoughts and prayers. A blues lady from way back sincerly, Cindy Perry

Anonymous said...

Dear Marilyn, Kelly & Dustin, I am ssitting in Bill's room at St. Francis hospital after his very successful surgery today on his back. I am very optomistic that they have fixed his back; they opened him up and found two fragments of broken discs laying on his nerve endings and pinching him everytime he stood up and walked. they cleaned out the fragments and said the nerve area was free for movement again so I am excited and thankful that he will hopfully get up tomorrow for the first time with little pain other than the incision pain, He has suffered so long and he seemed in such good spirits tonight after the anesthesia wore off, Tomorrow will be the big day when they get him up and start "therapy" what ever that is, I am so glad to find your blog and be able to communicate with you. I totally understand that Kelly needs his routine, we have a roomate in our room and it is very distracting to try and get some rest, but that is ok, How are you doing Marilyn? I think about you everyday and of course you are in our prayers daily, We sent your names into our church prayer chain a couple of weeks ago and know that so many are praying for all of you. I hope you feel it in some small way,. I pray for your peace and faith to continue - we have all had our mountains to climb, but oh the sight when we reach the top makes us so grateful

shelbidawn said...

Hi Kelly hope your doing better. we miss you and love you get well soon!

We love you!

Love,Sue & Shelbi